Blood Type Life

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Blood Type B Diet Food Lists: The True Probiotic Diet

If you have Blood Type B and would like to reduce your likelihood of depression, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, leaky gut, UTIs and sinus infections by eating foods according to your blood type, then keep reading because I have the list of foods you must eat and avoid to achieve your best health.

In my article The Blood Types Explained, I discussed how each blood type was created throughout history based on the book Eat Right 4 (for) Your Type by Dr. Peter D’Adamo.

For Blood Type B, I explained that it is closest to a probiotic diet, since it consists of several fermented and cultured foods like kefir and sauerkraut. The Candida Diet would also suit a person with Type B blood since it includes animal meat and fermented food, but excludes wheat-gluten.

These diets are great for balancing the Type B gut microbiome since they have “50,000 times more strains of friendly bacteria than either Type O or A individuals”.

And yup, I did the probiotic and Candida diets too as a Type O, and even though I experienced some relief from the Candida fungal infection, Cadidiasis, I still had gut issues. I know now that I don’t need all those probiotics because the Type O diet is more simple consisting of mostly meat. And the kefir I was drinking was still dairy even though it was fermented, a no-no for Type Os.

Dr. D’Adamo noted that B stands for balance, since this blood type does well with food from both the vegetarian diet used by Type As and the carnivore diet used mostly by Type Os. Considering this, Type Bs are true omnivores. The essence of balance also applies to the use of probiotic foods to balance their gut microbiome.

Since everything we eat creates a chemical reaction with our blood whether good or bad, it’s best to eat foods that our individual blood type genes find favorable. This means that our lectins (yes as the human organisms we have lectins) like those foods and will not signal the immune system to target it as a foreign invader and destroy it.

With that said, there are still certain foods that Blood Type Bs should not eat. When they eliminate these foods, their health improves.

Below are lists of popular foods for Blood Type B. As Dr. D’Adamo does in his book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, I will categorize the foods into Highly Beneficial, Neutral and Avoid.

Blood Type B Food Lists

Highly Beneficial Foods

A majority of your diet should consist of these foods.

  • Lamb

  • Cod

  • Cottage Cheese

  • Olive Oil

  • Walnuts

  • Kidney Beans

  • Spelt

  • Collard Greens

  • Pineapples

  • Cranberry Juice

  • Parsley

  • Blackstrap Molasses

Neutral Foods

These are allowed sometimes and won’t negatively affect your health.

  • Beef

  • Scallops

  • Butter

  • Cod Liver Oil

  • Chia Seeds

  • Soybean

  • Quinoa

  • Horseradish

  • Dates

  • Almond Milk

  • Basil

  • Agave

Foods to Avoid

You should eliminate these foods from your diet altogether.

  • Chicken

  • Trout

  • Blue Cheese

  • Avocado Oil

  • Cashews

  • Black Beans

  • Rye Flour

  • Aloe Vera

  • Avocado

  • Soy Milk

  • Pepper: black, white

  • Stevia

Key Takeaways

  • Blood Type Bs are the true omnivores eat a fair amount of meat and veggies and are better suited for the probiotic diet, since they have way more microbiome diversity than any other blood type.

  • Remember that to eat in partnership with your body and improve your health, try to eat foods that match your blood type.

  • If you would like the full list of foods that Blood Type Bs should and should not eat along with more useful information, use the links to grab your copy of the books Eat Right 4 (for) Your Type as well as Live Right 4 (for) Your Type.


Now your homework is to figure out what your blood type is, because you could be a Type O spending your money on a bunch of probiotics when you don’t even need all that just to digest a ribeye steak. Grab this easy blood typing test kit that gives you instant results and is under $10. Also, check out the tutorial I made on how to take the blood type test here.