The Blood Type O Diet: Keto-Carnivore
If you have Blood Type O and would like to reduce your likelihood of Candidiasis, leaky gut, schizophrenia, bipolar and Parkinson’s disease by eating foods according to your blood type, then keep reading because I have the list of foods you must eat and avoid to achieve your best health.
In my article The Blood Types Explained: The History of Genetic Evolution, I discussed how each blood type was created throughout history based on the book Eat Right 4 (for) Your Type by Dr. Peter D’Adamo.
I explained that Blood Type O is on the opposite end of the diet spectrum than Type A, since it favors red meat as its main source of food over vegetables and carbohydrates. Since Type Os have a high level of stomach acid, they can consume and break down meat easier than Type As.
Dr. D’Adamo noted that O stands for old, since Type O was the first blood type to be studied. In another place in the book, he said that O stood for zero, denoting zero antibodies again Types A, B and AB. Since Type Os have zero antibodies, this means that Type O is the universal blood type and can be given to anyone who needs a blood transfusion.
Type Os use the animal protein as fuel to support muscle formation and for preparing the body for high levels of physical activity, as if it were preparing for a hunting trip. The popular diets of ketogenic, carnivore, Paleo and Adkins are all similar to the high-protein diet that people with Blood Type O should eat.
In my opinion, it is likely that the people pushing carnivorism are listening to the advice from the Type Os who experience the most benefit from eating this way, and don’t realize their Type O identity. Hence, giving advice that is not very helpful for everyone.
Since everything we eat creates a chemical reaction with our blood whether good or bad, it’s best to eat foods that our blood will find favorable. This means that our lectins like the food and will not signal the body to target it as a foreign invader. To eat in partnership with your body, try to eat foods that match your blood type.
With that said, there are certain foods that are considered ketogenic and carnivore that Blood Type Os should not eat. When they eliminate these foods, their health improves.
Below are the lists of popular foods for Blood Type O. As Dr. D’Adamo does in his book, Eat Right 4 (for) Your Type, I will categorize the foods into Highly Beneficial, Neutral and Avoid.
Blood Type O Food Lists
Highly Beneficial Foods
A majority of your diet should consist of these foods.
beef: muscle, heart, liver, tongue
olive oil
black-eyed peas
artichoke flour
green tea
Neutral Foods
These are allowed sometimes and won’t negatively affect your health.
sesame oil
black beans
almond milk
Foods to Avoid
You should eliminate these foods from your diet altogether.
dairy milk
coconut oil
lentil beans
any type and form of wheat
Pepper: black, white
Key Takeaways
Blood Type Os are the people who are better suited for the carnivore diet, since they have higher levels of stomach acid than all other blood types.
Remember that to eat in partnership with your body and improve your health, try to eat foods that match your blood type.
If you would like the full list of foods that Blood Type Os should and should not eat along with other useful information, use the link below to grab your copy of the books Eat Right 4 (for)Your Type and Live Right 4 (for) Your Type.
Now your homework is to figure out what your blood type is, because you could be a Type A on a carnivore diet, which may be damaging your health. Grab this easy blood typing test kit that gives you instant results and is under $10. Also, check out the tutorial I made on how to take the blood type test here.